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"A metadata analyzer that creates dynamic reports with a unique filter"

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This GitHub Page is dedicated to our Senior Design Project that will be presented at the IT expo. We created this site to provide more information about metadata, provide a download link for Metaforge, provide requirements for the installation, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to use Metaforge.

What is "metadata"?

To put it simply, metadata is just information about data. The information comes from the tags that capture valuable information about each specific file. Each file has can have many different tags of data that can be retreived for multiple purposes.

The uses for metadata are endless and can prove valuable to those in the information security fields for pentesting and gathering information, like who created the file and what software was used to edit it.

Metaforge Checklist

Install Requirements

1.1 Install Exiftool

In order for Metaforge to work, you must install exiftool first. Also, if you install the requirements.txt first, it won’t work because pyexifinfo requires exiftool to install.

So to install exiftool, run the following based on your OS.

Note: you might need to run these commands as root! So run…

sudo apt/yum/pacman...

apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
yum install perl-Image-ExifTool
Arch Linux
pacman -S perl-image-exiftool
brew install exiftool

1.2 Install Dependencies

Install the libraries that we used to create Metaforge. Make sure that you’re using pip3! If you don’t know how, here is some help.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If this doesn’t work, try to install each individual package and report the error message you got and we can help!

Running Metaforge

  1. Place the files you wish to analyze in the /media directory
  2. Run

Note: If you want to make it easier to run multiple times, run these commands…

chmod +x